Monday, August 6, 2012

Random I have a million things running around in my head...nothing earth shattering just different things from every aspect of my life right now.

My husband is in the process of considering a huge job change. I can't go into very much detail but the decision is hard. I completely support him either way...I just pray that whichever way he chooses he is confident in his decision and we have no regrets.

It is becoming more and more difficult for me to spend the days away from my children. I don't know if I could be a stay at home mommy but I do know that only having a few hours with my babies at the end of the evening is hard. My kids are just so fun :) I want to spend more time with them.

I want to be a really good mommy. I want to be the kind of mom that when my kids look back at their childhood they remember all of the fun things that we did together and they can feel the closeness that our family lives in. I can not believe how quickly my babies are growing...I would literally stop time at this very moment if I could.

I do not think that I am being the best me that I can be. It is my personality to focus on everyone else and not take time out for Lennie. I am going to start working on this. I need to be a fulfilled woman in order to be a great wife and mommy.

These are just my ramblings for the day...hope I haven't scared anyone away. What is on your heart today? You can tell me...I am here to listen!

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