Monday, July 30, 2012


Our Internet has been out of order for over a week :( but it's back up now...I have allot of
 catching up to do!!!!

A couple of weeks ago Jagger's cousins came over to spend the night with him. These cousins are John's brothers sons. Will is exactly one year old than Jagger and Jayce will be 8 on August 13th.

Some of my fondest childhood memories are of times with my cousins. I love seeing them interact with each other. Of coarse they fight and of coarse they taddle but I know as they growing up together that they will be life long friends.

Jayce and Will have a sister, Bella, who is 3 months younger than Johnie girl. It will so great for all of the kids to grow up together. I am very glad that John and his brother have the relationship that they do and that our children can all grow up knowing each other.

We only live a few minutes from each other and spend allot of time together. I love cousins. And I am very excited for my children to create the same great memories that I have with my family.

My sister just found out last week that she is having a baby boy!!! She is due December comes another boy cousin!!!!

How are you making memories this summer????

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