Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Day

Today is a snow day! We received snow over night last night and then had crazy winds this morning. We live on a hill down a gravel road therefore the drifts at our house are ALWAYS huge, this morning was no exception. Our sitter had no power therefore we stayed home today.

So....I have sooooo much to do and feel like I am getting nothing accomplished. I have gifts that need to be purchased, but I can't drive. I have gifts that need to be wrapped, but have little eyes following me everywhere I go. I have so much food to prepare for the for upcoming Christmas' but can't get to the store.

As I sit here and complain I can't help but feel so guilty. I have a warm beautiful home. I have a loving, supportive, hard working husband and I have two beautiful healthy children. There are so many people in the world that go without. People that go without shoes, food, water, homes or love. Not to mention the horrible tragedy of last week that leaves so many families mourning and devastated.

I don't really know what I am doing as a parent. We all just have to figure it out as we go. One thing that has been very pressing on my heart lately is to teach my children about Jesus. I want them to know that there is someone always with them. I want my son to know that before bed we pray. That we thank God everyday for the blessings that we receive and that we pray for everyone else. We thank God for getting to spend time with our cousins or getting to make cookies with mommy because those things are so special. We pray that God will keep his arms around baby Maverick and keep him healthy and we pray that God continues to bless grandpa and keep him well.

Life is hard. The older you get the more you become aware of the harsh things in life. I don't like that stuff. I would much rather shut my door and only focus on the happiness in our home but that's not real life. I take time today to pray for everyone that is wanting or is mourning. Everyone that could use a little extra love this time of year.

Please pray today for those that are less fortunate than we are. Please pray for our fellow man and that love will fill the air this holiday season and Jesus will be remembered as the reason for this season.

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