Monday, August 27, 2012

Be Healthy Journey

Hello ladies...I want to share something with you today. As many women do, I struggle with my weight, especially after two c-section deliveries. I have no pressure from my husband he is amazing, he truly loves me just the way I am, whatever that may be. My struggle comes from within. At this point in my life I am not comfortable with my phyical apperance. I am happy, we have a wonderful life and we are emensly blessed. I am disappointed in myself though, I am disappointed with me physically and when it comes to my health. My husband and I have plenty of health risk factors passed down to us from our parents and I know that I need to take charge and do as much as I can to overcome those. I need to be healthy for my children and my family and most importantly for myself. Today is day 1 to a new lifestyle and I am inviting you to journey with me.

Every Wednesday I will be posting on my Be Healthy Journey. My goal is to lose 20 lbs by Christmas. That's 18 weeks, that averages to 1-1.5 lbs a week. I will be blogging about this journey with recipes, tips, victories and the occasional defeat I am sure.

I want this to be real and I want it to be helpful. So here is your official invitation, please join me on this journey. What would your Be Healthy Journey goal be? Where would you like to be in 18 weeks? What change would you like to make? Maybe you want to quit smoking, maybe you want to build your musle tone, maybe you want to lower your BMI or maybe you want to lose 20 lbs with me. Whatever it is, we can get there together.

All you need to do is leave your weekly progress note as a comment on my Be Healthy Journey posts. These posts will be on Wednesdays. Ask me antyhing or request a post over a certain topic. I will do my very very best to get you what you are looking for and I will always be there for encouragement.

So why would you do this with me you may be asking????? Becasue I am going to throw you a party that's why!!!! On January 5, 2013 I will be hosting a brunch at my home to celebrate our Be Healthy Journey victories.

I am very excited about this and you have to understand that it has taken alot for me to make this public. I figure it is the best way to make me accountable. Please won't you join me??? I need you!!!

So tell me....are you in???


  1. I'm in!! Losing 20 lbs by christmas! Smaller jeans I'm coming for you!! and a great SMALLER outfit for the party!!!! Woot Woot!!!!!

  2. Alright- I am in too! I would LOVE to be at my prepregnancy weight, so I still have about 25 pounds to go. BTW- last night I tried a body wrap that I found on Pinterest- supposed to help you lose inches- but, I couldn't find green clay at CVS, so I used a face mask instead... it did not work, but Tristan got a good laugh out of it! Imagine, my 25 pound overweight body covered in green goo and wrapped in saran wrap! Ha! But if I can find the green clay, I will probably try it again...

  3. I'm in too!!! Since we got married (Exactly a year ago Monday) I have gained sooo much weight! alot more than I would like to admit publicly! Mostly because we never have time to have a good homemade meal so we eat crap! I want to be a sexy thin just married moman! For me and my husband! I mean come on I have no excuse for why my body looks the way it does! So excited to get this started and be dedicated! I'm sick of not being able to button my work pants!
